Call for applications for external evaluation of BOOST
The BOOST project, co-funded by an EU action grant and led by Correlation Network, aims to enhance the implementation of high-quality, community-based communicable disease services as part of a comprehensive, people-centred, and integrated harm reduction approach for people who use drugs and other related vulnerable groups. The project began in January 2023 and will conclude in December 2025.
Currently, the BOOST project is calling for applications for external evaluation of the project. The evaluation is crucial in assessing the progress of BOOST, the effectiveness of the partnerships, and the overall impact on harm reduction services.
With respect to the scope of work, the external evaluator will:
- Review relevant project documents (e.g., project proposals, work plans, progress reports, internal M&E database).
- Conduct interviews with key stakeholders, including project partners, project beneficiaries, peers, mini-lighthouses and mentees, among others.
- Analyse project progress against the planned outcomes, using data collected by the internal M&E team, including baseline, process, output and outcome indicators.
- Conduct an outcome harvest to identify policy and practice changes, as well as other relevant outcomes attributed to the project’s actions.
- Provide an evaluation of the process, including:
- How effectively the activities were implemented.
- How well the consortium collaborated and communicated.
- The overall impact of the project activities on harm reduction services.
If you are interested in applying, please take a look at the Terms of Reference (ToR) and submit a brief proposal outlining your approach to the evaluation and the corresponding budget.
Deadline: 15 January 2025
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