Call for applications for consultant to map availability, accessibility, and needs for Harm Reduction Services

The BOOST project, co-funded by an EU action grant and led by Correlation Network, aims to enhance the implementation of high-quality, community-based communicable disease services as part of a comprehensive, people-centred, and integrated harm reduction approach for people who use drugs and other related vulnerable groups. The project began in January 2023 and will conclude in December 2025.

C-EHRN is looking for a qualified consultant to conduct a comprehensive
assessment of harm reduction service availability and accessibility in Southeastern Europe (SEE). The consultant will contribute to the BOOST
project, which aims to address significant health disparities affecting people who use drugs, particularly concerning HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis.

Currently, data on harm reduction service provision in SEE is fragmented and insufficient to support effective advocacy and resource allocation.

This consultancy will address this critical gap. We encourage professionals within the harm reduction field to submit proposals and especially encourage those who are experts on and based in SEE countries.

If you are interested in applying, please take a look at the Terms of Reference (ToR).

Submit your application to by the 23rd of February 2024, 2359 CET