BOOST Project at the Central and Eastern European Summit 2023
The Central and Eastern European Summit 2023 on Hepatitis C, HIV and other infections – screening, linkage to care and treatment took place in Prague on the 15-16th of June and gathered over 200 participants from Czechia and Central and Eastern Europe. The aim was to facilitate knowledge exchange, share good practices and improve care for hard-to-reach communities, particularly people who use drugs.
Some elements of the BOOST project were also presented by Tessa Windelink (Free Clinic) and Jukka Koskelo (A-klinikka Foundation), representatives of project lighthouses, with the title “Community management plan – how to improve continuum of care at the local level? Project BOOST” as part of the Local Strategies session. On the second day, a Boost project meeting for members of the project team and interested partners also took place, bringing more clarity regarding cooperation and organisation among the partners.
The main aim of the BOOST project is to enhance the implementation of high-quality community-based & community-led communicable disease services as part of a comprehensive, people-centred and integrated harm reduction approach. The project is funded by the EU4Health programme of the European Union.
Read more about the BOOST project here.